Public policy

Public policy

As an important part of our fiduciary duty to our clients, Allied Finance advocates for public policies that we believe are in our investors’ long-term best interests.

Transparency, regulation and protecting investors

We support the creation of regulatory regimes that increase financial market transparency, protect investors, and facilitate responsible growth of capital markets, while preserving consumer choice and properly balancing benefits versus implementation costs.

We comment on public policy topics through our ViewPoints series of papers, which examine public policy issues and assess their implications for investors, and through letters and consultations that we periodically submit to policymakers.

Read more about Allied Finance’s Public Policy Engagement & Political Activities Policies.

EU policy engagement

Allied Finance supports the development of resilient financial markets that help European savers and companies realise their long-term financial objectives. We seek to contribute constructively to and comment on public policy issues that impact our clients in Europe.
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