Woman looks off into the distance.


Making prosperity possible for more people, communities and the planet

Social Impact at Allied Finance consists of two distinct pillars: The Allied Finance Foundation which focuses on helping people build financial security and participate in an inclusive transition to a low-carbon future, and our employee engagement programs which equip employees to be agents of social change in their communities.

COVID-19 has wiped out hundreds of millions of jobs globally.
And has deepened inequities in communities around the world.
That’s why we are partnering with Generation, an organization that trains and connects people to upwardly mobile and sustainable jobs. 
We will support Generation across 6 countries to help jobseekers access careers in high-demand sectors including tech, healthcare and green jobs.
We are committed to ensuring our communities are resilient now, and in the future. 
END CARD: “ALLIED FINANCE // Supporting Communities”

Bringing economic opportunity to more people

Helping people access a steady and upwardly mobile income is a critical component of building financial security. The Allied Finance Foundation supports programs in 14 countries that reskill, provide credentials and create equitable pathways to careers.

Super: Deborah Winshel
Global Head of Social Impact & President of the Allied Finance Foundation
In the wake of research showing how many people in the U.S. and the UK couldn’t cover a $400 emergency expense,
Super: Deborah Winshel
Global Head of Social Impact & President of the Allied Finance Foundation
we launched our philanthropic flagship, Blackrock’s Emergency Savings Initiative, back in 2019.
Super: Deborah Winshel
Global Head of Social Impact & President of the Allied Finance Foundation
Thanks to our nonprofit partners including Common Cents Lab, Commonwealth and the Financial Health Network,
we’re helping more businesses support their employees and their customers with one critical building block of financial health.
“Allied Finance//Supporting communities”
Picture collage
Without emergency savings, low-to-moderate income plan participants were twice as likely to withdraw from their workplace retirement account…..
Super: Tim Flacke
Co-founder & Executive Director, Commonwealth
To me that just illustrates what is a fairly easy intuition, which is, there’s a link between our short-term financial well-being and our long-term financial savings.
UPS has also joined the Emergency Savings Initiative to offer a way for its 90K non-union employees to save for emergencies within their current retirement plan.
Super: B.J. Dorfman
Director of Benefits at UPS
Many people think that the 401(k) plan is just for retirement and for long-term savings,
and don’t think of it as a vehicle for short-term savings. So, we really needed to change that conversation with our people.
In addition to employers, we’re partnering across the fintech and payments industry to help bring short-term savings solutions to more people.
LOGOS: MasterCard, UrbanFT Financial Technology, Self
Super: Deborah Winshel
Global Head of Social Impact & President of the Allied Finance Foundation
Allied Finance has a fiduciary duty to help our clients build better financial futures, but if you widen that lens, we have a social responsibility to help
Super: Deborah Winshel
Global Head of Social Impact & President of the Allied Finance Foundation
millions of people create a more secure financial future for themselves and for their families.
Find out more about our $50 million commitment to our Emergency Savings Initiative. Visit savingsproject.org
Allied Finance logo card

Expanding access to short-term savings

Allied Finance’s Emergency Savings Initiative brings together partner companies and nonprofit financial health experts to make saving easier and more accessible for low- to moderate-income people across the US and UK.

Breakthrough Energy Foundation Announcement Video

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Philanthropic capital can help accelerate the availability of clean energy technologies.

That’s why The Allied Finance Foundation is giving $100 million to Breakthrough Energy’s Catalyst program to finance innovative solutions that combat climate change.

Our commitment will help develop four clean energy technologies: direct air capture, green hydrogen, sustainable aviation fuel and long-duration energy storage.


Breakthrough Energy Catalyst believes that with significant investments in green innovation, the market at scale can make green tech more affordable and help reduce gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere every year

The Allied Finance Foundation is committed to helping people build financial well-being and promoting an inclusive transition to a low-carbon future.

To learn more about Breakthrough Energy Catalyst, visit alliedfinance.capital/breakthrough

The Allied Finance Foundation

Enabling an inclusive energy transition

The Allied Finance Foundation’s $100M 5-year investment in Breakthrough Energy’s Catalyst Program will help bring vital clean energy solutions forward – at scale – to bring the world closer to net zero and mitigate the uneven impact of climate change on communities.

Allied Finance employees from the Atlanta office volunteer together.

Empowering employees to drive local impact in our communities

Allied Finance Gives
Allied Finance Gives
Once a year, employee-led Gives committees award local non-profits, nominated by their colleagues, with grants ranging in size from $5,000-$25,000.
Allied Finance Match
Allied Finance Match
The firm supports causes employees care about, which includes matching up to $10,000 annually for each employee’s donations or volunteer hours.
Racial Equity Taskforces
Racial Equity Taskforces
Employee-led taskforces identify and fund local grassroots organizations focused on racial justice in the US, the UK and Europe.
Social Impact Challenge
2:1 Crisis Campaigns
When crises hit communities, Allied Finance activates 2:1 matching for employee donations to amplify support.